A steal from Leesepea. A random about me Meme... so you all can know more useless information about ME!
* I am shorter than 5’5”: sadly, no. There was a good reason they called me "Stilts" in the 8th grade... I was a gymnast, though...
* I have many scars: not that many - just a few lingering chicken pox scars, mishap scars, and a few scars from biopsies I had done for a skin test.
* I tan easily: after I burn.
* I wish my hair was a different color: yeah - I'm thinking about pale pink or bright magenta streaks next.
* I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color: well, I'm sure there ARE people out there... I don't think I even know what my natural hair color is anymore, since I've been dying it for so long.
* I've had braces: nope. I was luckily born with the gift of straight teeth.
* I wear glasses or contacts: not technically. Sometimes I wear glasses for fun, I do need them, but I would never be able to wear them consistently. It would drive me nuts to have something on my face all the time.
* I've been told I’m attractive by a complete stranger: I used to all the time...
* I have freckles: you betcha - get 'em from my dad. :)
* I've fallen asleep at work or school: yes and yes. I used to fall asleep during Freshman Physical Science all the time. No wonder I passed by the skin of my teeth!
* I failed more than 1 class: Well, I failed out of Nursing School - but not on my own account - the teacher had it in for me, I swear. Funny thing was, I managed to pass it in a different class with a different teacher less than a year later... So I know it wasn't me...
* I've been fired: Yes, but again not my fault. My ex had to go to Texas for legal reasons and I had requested the time off plenty in advance - 3 months to be exact - only to find out that my b!tCh boss scheduled me anyway. I called in "sick" during the time I needed off, and came back to have her hand me my paycheck and tell me I was fired. Again, in this case I wasn't the psycho - that was the Asst. Director of Nursing at a home I was working for, and she was escorted out by the police about a month after she fired me - for wrongful abuse and neglect of a patient.
* Disney movies still make me cry: Uh... not really. There aren't many movies that bring a tear to my eye - has to be pretty realistic for that to happen.
* I've laughed so hard I've cried: Yes on many occasions.
* I've glued my hand to something: not in any recollection...
* I've laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose: yes, and there's nothing like the taste of Cherry Kool-Aid running through your sinus cavity and into your throat for a half hour afterward, either.
* I've had my pants rip/drop in public: I don't seem to ever remember this happening either. I HAVE peed my pants, but not most recently in public... that's a story for another time.
* I've had my tonsils removed: Nope.
* I've sat in a doctor's office with a friend: Yes. I am a good friend :)
* I've had my wisdom teeth removed: Should have a long time ago - they are slowly rotting away. If it wasn't for the fact that anyone I see wants $400 upfront for their extraction, I'd probably be in good shape right now. Don't even get me started on the cost of medical care these days!
* I had a serious surgery: Unless you count non-caesarean childbirth... no, I've been a fortunate person all my life (knock on wood).
* I've had chicken pox: Yep. 2nd grade. It was the worst. I still have a few scars from it.
* I've gotten lost in my city: Every time. And I'm more like a man - I won't stop and ask for directions, rather run all the gas out of the car trying to find my way back to something I remember seeing before... and hope that I get back to where I am supposed to be.
* I've seen a shooting star: Yep. On more than one occasion, too. I used to be obsessed with astronomy when I was a little kid - knew when all the meteor showers and whatnot went on, and I would camp out on our porch watching them. Also, read funny story below.
* I've wished on a shooting star: Yes - funny story associated with this one: so I'm sitting outside the above-mentioned nursing home on my break one night, talking to a co-worker who wasn't working that night on my cell phone. A shooting star blazes past, and I tell my friend. She tells me to make a wish, and I said, "I wish this place would burn to the ground." (Obviously it was one of THOSE nights - if you've ever worked in the old folks' home, you know what I'm talking about.) About 2 hours later, I popped some popcorn for my lunch, and returned with it to the nurses station. I was chatting with the charge nurse when the fire alarm started going off. I bet you my eyes were as wide as oranges right then - my co-worker jumped up and ran to check the fire panel to see where the alarm was going off. All I could think about was the wish on the star I'd made earlier - everything seemed to be going in slow-mo. Then the fire dept. showed up... We'd scoured the alarm area and could find no signs of fire or smoke... The fire captain asked if anyone had popped popcorn recently and if so, had it burned? Yes and yes. I didn't think it had burned that much though. Apparently enough to have set off the fire alarm. That's what I get for opening my big mouth!
* I've gone out in public in my pajamas: Yep. I used to think I was cool when I did it, too. I still wear my slippers out and about, they're my "I Don't Give a Shit Shoes".
* I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator: I try not to break things I don't want to be stuck in.
* I've been to a casino: No I really don't need another addiction right now, thanks.
* I've been skydiving: No, and I don't think I ever will either.
* I drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour: Yep. I LOVE MILK!!
* I've been in a car crash: Several - all of which were mostly minor, but I was also behind the wheel :(
* I've caught a snowflake on my tongue: Yes and I am really getting tired of seeing the word "snow" or the essence of such. It's April for crying out loud!
* I've sat on a roof top at night: It's a little scary but soo cool. Those were the days.
* I've played chicken: In the pool, yes.
* I've played a prank on someone: I'm not very good at that kind of stuff - I've been involved, but I've never actually been the prankster. I'm the "ruin-surprises" kind of person.
* I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show: the real question is, can I do the Time Warp? (It's just a jump to the left, and then a step to the right....)
* I've eaten Sushi: yes and it was disgusting. Raw and fish are two things that probably don't belong in the same state, much less the same sentence or dish.
* I've been snowboarding: What's with all the snow questions here? If I had it my way, it would never snow again! ARGH! No, I've never been snowboarding, too cold, too much snow.
* I've had a crush on a teacher: Yeah. There was this young sub when I was a Senior - Mr. Matthias - wow. Yeah. I remember that guy...
* I've hugged a stranger: I hate when strange people touch me. Unfortunately I've been forced into the stranger-hugging situation countless times - each time graciously obliging with an overly friendly but abrupt embrace. No offense to the hugged, of course, I just don't like touching strange people.
* I own over 5 rap CDs: I couldn't live without rap music. I probably own over 50 rap CDs.
* I own multiple designer pants and shirts, costing over $100 piece: No f-in way. There is no way I would ever pay that much for an article of clothing - it's all so indispensable. I would rather go to a cheap-o store or secondhand place and get 10 shirts for that kind of money.
* I own something from Hot Topic: A couple of T-shirts and wrist bands; I didn't used to look good in that "style" when I had blonde hair - maybe now that I'm a darkie it would be worth a look....
* I own something from Pac Sun: used to shop there all the time in HS but I don't think I have any of that stuff left anyore. Oh, I have a huge shell necklace that cost $10 from there.
* I own something from The Gap: Nope. That's definitely not my style.
* I own something from Abercrombie: A few things, but I am really unimpressed with their prices. I'm sorry but $70 for a pair of jeans, just because they say Abercrombie on them? A shirt every once in a while is OK...
* I can sing well: Use-ta could. I was a lead (Meg) in the Phantom of the Opera when I was younger, and won countless awards for vocal performance at the county competition every year. That was of course before I started smoking a pack a day. Maybe I'll get it back...
* I've stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant: A tray? No. Other things (like glasses and silverware and salt shakers) - yes.
* I open up to others easily: Considering the fact that I spend countless hours chronicling my life for a bunch of people I've never met personally (with the exception of a few), I'd say shyness is not a strong trait of mine.
* I watch the news: Only on FOX. And only when I feel like it. I don't feel like I'm getting "news" so much as I'm getting someone else's "liberal opinion".
* I don’t kill bugs: That's a lie. I squish anything that moves on sight. I am a merciless giant!!
* I sing in the shower: I sing in the car.
* I am a morning person: After coffee.
* I am a sports fanatic: Nada. Sports bore the hell out of me. All of 'em.
* I twirl my hair: No.
* I've copied more than 30 CDs in a day: Yes, in a pinch, LOL.
* I bake well: 99% of the time. If you're talking about fudge, though, it's a no-go.
* My favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, red or blue: yes. YELLOW. I'm surprised it's in that list but I guess it's gaining popularity...
* I like Martha Stewart: I like her craftiness. I don't like that she was willing to share trade secrets on the inside, but I'm not really interested in Econ or Stocks or any of that stuff, so I didn't really care too much about that. As long as she keeps making cool baskets and home decor, I'm down with that. And it's a good thing.
* I know how to shoot a gun: Sort of. I wouldn't be able to defend myself if I had to though, not sure I would ever be able to pull the trigger.
* I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS: On occasion, especially when I was younger. Now I use it for accent purposes only. I have to be too perfectionist about it - balance between capitals and lowercase and evenness bother me when it comes to those sorts of things.
* I laugh at my own jokes: All the time, because I am so funny.
* I am really ticklish: Extremely. To the point of peeing my pants.
* I love chocolate: Is this a real question? It's one of my required daily supplements.
* I bite my nails: Only when I break a nail and don't have clippers or a file on hand. Hangnails, now, are a different story... I can't keep away from my cuticles unless I have acrylics on!
* I play video games: As often as possible. Every console Nintendo has put out (except the Wii, thus far), as well as several computer games of the simulation/puzzle genres.
* I’m good at remembering faces: Sometimes... Although I get confused if I've seen a picture of the person before, I will think I remember actually seeing them before.
* I’m good at remembering names: If I have a face to go with it, then yes. Otherwise I have a really bad habit of thinking I remember someone that someone else is talking about only to find out I looked like a real stupid ass later.
* I’m good at remembering dates: Most of the time. Depends on how important the event is... And how many years in a row I've had to celebrate it.
* I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life: No clue. I know what I'd LIKE to do for the rest of my life, at least, I have some rough idea. No chance that they're all going to happen, though. As is life - c'est la vie!!
* My answers are totally honest: 100% Guaranteed. Why would I lie to these people?