Love it or leave it, LOL. Anyway…
This week, I am going to share a top ten list w/ y’all. A lot of new products have just come out after CHA, and boy are there some YUM-O patterned papers out there right now! I am so excited about some of the new lines that have come out recently, and have slowly been acquiring bits and pieces of them. Definitely worth checking out – although some may be a little hard to find, as stores are having a hard time keeping them on the shelves right now. (Apparently I’m not the only one that likes them!)
1. “CAUTION GIRL” by Marah Johnson for Creative Imaginations

“Pink Skulls”
This line is so ME. (Although, I’m sure there are a lot of others that think that, too!) I have been waiting for SO LONG for some punky-chick rockstar-type scrap stuff… This is exactly what I was looking for! Marah is an incredible designer, very fresh, and outside-of-the-box; she’s the wildchild inside all of us. Honorable mentions are Marah’s LOVE STRUCK and SKULL & XBONE lines.
2. “BLUSH” by Christine Adolph for Creative Imaginations

“Floral Foil”
LOVE LOVE LOVE this paper. I nearly fainted when I pulled it off the shelf at Archiver’s. Something about those dandelions… This line is gracefully accented with silver foil, and also has a FAB set of rub ons.
3. “BOHEMIA” by My Mind’s Eye

“Bluebird – Baby – Paisley/Light Blue”
WOW. That’s all I can say about this one. So much to choose from – there’s something for everyone here, so no one can complain! Every paper is GORGEOUS, and there are scads of tags, quotes, rub-ons, titles, alphas… I am a huge fan of the new titles they’ve added :) This whole line is definitely worth checking out – and I CHALLENGE you to find at least one thing you like from this collection, whether or not you’re a fan of this trend. There are some great finds here!

The paper on the cover just rocks my world!! A few of them are a little generic looking, but overall this is a good value for the money ($20.00?!?! Who knew?!) Still worth it, though, doubles of each sheet so you get good use out of each design. The glitter is so-so, but enough so to give the paper some really nice texture. Honorable mention here, as well, to the “Once Upon a Time” line.
5. “KEWL” by Fancy Pants

How “kewl” is this new stuff from Fancy Pants? Their new stuff is all so funky and bright! I LOVE IT!! Not to mention their amazing new rub-ons… Not to mention the super cute new acrylic stamps and the Big Board Chips they have… I think I have a new fave!! Also up for honorable mention here are FLORAL CHIC, KEY LIME PIE, and WILDHEART. Oh, I just want them all!!!
6. “PET SHOP” by KI Memories

“Good Dog”
HOW CUTE IS THAT?!?!?! This new line from KI Memories is the perfect (and cutest) way to pay tribute to your fave furry friend. It comes in both dog and kitty varieties, and there are coordinating ribbons, alphas and an assortment of stickers and embellies to go with this one. It is also available in prepackaged kit form. Some of the paper even has a shimmery, frosted look to it (including the one pictured above).
7. “OLD MACDONALD” by Rusty Pickle

“Black Sheep”
Not sure if this is actually available for sale yet or not, but I can’t wait to get my hands on it! I saw this stuff in pics from CHA and I was in awe – such a new, unique idea! I mean, come on, farmers scrap too! (At least farm wives do!) They have the cutest set of papers with different farm animals on them, as well as some embellies and an AWESOME mini file-folder book idea! Very fun!! I have a brother who is a total farmer - and his girlfriend is a scrapbooker, too – so now we’ll have a good way to use the pics we have of him with his tractors and such! Honorable mention here is the PRINCESS BRIDE line, because the names are great, and the stuff’s not bad either. You rock, Rusty Pickle!!
8. “PHOEBE” by Basic Grey

“Telegraph Hill”
We all knew there was gonna be a BG in here somewhere. I really like the funkiness of this line, and the springy, bright colors. The patterns are really wild and freestyle. The thing I love the most about Basic Grey, though, is always their plain-jane paper. They do such a great job adding the right amount of “spice” and texture to a solid color to make it unique. I also can’t avoid the BLUSH line; definitely some “Delish” papers in there!
9. “PLAYLIST” by Circus Rose for Imagination Project

“Dance Cards”
Another SWEEEET line from Imagination Project. They were actually my first love before BG; the first “major label” scrapbooking purchase I made from their Gin-X line ANYONE, ANYONE. They’ve just released this music-themed PLAYLIST line, which I am totally diggin’ right now. Music is my religion… how did they know? A set of 6 fun papers along with some really cool chips & stickers – and great colors too!
-and finally-
10. “METROPOLIS” by Scenic Route

“Paradise Lane”
How fun is this stuff? I know a little boy whose picture would look SOO CUTE on this paper – and I’m sure you do, too! I’m especially smitten with the “Kraft” papers they have that coordinate with this line. The orange is so bold and vibrant, and the arrows and stars are so trendy right now! I can’t wait to get my hands on some of this, either!
Well, I hope that was helpful, or at least give you all some new inspiration! I’ll be back next week with another edition of “Hey, Hey, it’s Wednesday!” (or maybe it’ll be called “How I Spent My Life Savings on Paper Products” !!!)
Cr@zy, this addiction that I have. ;)
P.S. - I also posted this as my weekly at the group blog I participate in (Scissor Sisters ScrapBlog), so please pardon any of the confusing jargon you may have encountered throughout this article. I am simply too lazy to re-read it and edit out that stuff for re-posting here.